前言 本篇文章是为了记录学习使用Unity第三方插件Odin,通过深入学习Odin,加快平时我们编写编辑器工具的效率。
Odin Odin是一款可以帮助我们快速制作友好编辑器界面的工具。
功能特性 Serialize Anything 那么什么是序列化? 熟悉二进制导表工具和Proto协议数据发送解析的话,对序列化不会陌生。 从平时我们编写代码的角度来说序列化就是把数据对象存储成二进制(序列化)的过程,然后再通过读取二进制数据能构造出原始对象(反序列化)。
接下来看看Unity官方对序列化的定义:Serialization is the automatic process of transforming data structures or object states into a format that Unity can store and reconstruct later. (序列化就是将数据结构或对象状态转换成可供Unity保存和随后重建的自动化处理过程。)
Instantiation 所有这些都是通过Unity序列化和反序列化来完成的。
Unity序列化有一套规则,这里就不详细介绍了,详情查看官网:Script Serialization
众所周知,Unity官方序列化并非所有类型都支持,比如:Dictionary,OOP多态。 这些限制让我们在编写代码时受到诸多限制,而我们一般是通过特定的处理方式去支持这些缺失的特性(e.g. 通过两个List去模拟Dictionary的序列化或者通过自定义序列化去支持OOP多态) 详情查看:Unity插件开发基础—浅谈序列化系统
所以这里再引出Odin的一大特性: Serialize Anything(所有序列化都支持(e.g. Dictionary,OOP多态问题等)) 这一大特性就已经是相当的强大了,这也是我们采用Odin能够快速编写更加友好的编辑器界面工具的一大原因。
Note:Odin’s serialization is currently supported on all platforms, save Universal Windows Platform without IL2CPP..
实战 While Odin by default injects itself into the inspector for every type that doesn’t already have a custom editor defined, the serialization system is more conservative than that. You always have to explicitly decide to make use of Odin’s serialization system.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 public class SerializeStudy : MonoBehaviour { public Dictionary<int , string > SerializeDictionary = new Dictionary<int , string >(); public List<string > SerializeNormalList = new List<string >(); }
UnityListSerializationUI 可以看到默认的Dictionary是不支持序列化的,同时默认的List面板是长上面那样的。
接下来我们通过打开Odin序列化再来对比下区别: Tools -> Odin Inspector -> Preference -> Editor Types -> User Types 指定我们自定义的SerializeStudy类使用Odin的序列化:TurnOnCustomClassOdinSerialization 再次对比查看序列化面板:TurnOnOdinSerializationListUI 可以看到List默认的面板显示已经变成了Odin自定义的了,但是Dictionary依然没有被序列化显示出来,因为我们只是指定了SerializeStudy类使用Odin的Inspector,但还未指定SerializeStudy使用Odin的序列化。
指定使用Odin序列化 要支持Dictionary使用Odin的序列化,我们需要显示指定(继承至SerializedMonoBehaviour or SerializedScriptableObject)使用Odin的序列化:
1 2 3 4 public class SerializeStudy : SerializedMonoBehaviour { ****** }
OdinSerializationUI 可以看到我们成功的使用Odin序列化了Dictionary且采用Odin自定义的Inspector显示。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 public class SerializeStudy : SerializedMonoBehaviour { public bool [,] TwoDimensionArray = new bool [5 , 5 ]; }
OdinSerializationTwoDimensionArrayUI 可以看到一句简单的定义在Odin序列化和Odin自定义Inspector的帮助下,帮助我们快速构建和支持了Dictionary和二维数组的序列化,这对于我们构建自己的编辑器可以说是如有神助,而这正式Odin的强大之处。
Note: 关于OOP多态序列化问题,本人测试和Unity插件开发基础—浅谈序列化系统 文章里的测试结果不一致(Unity自带序列化支持多态),本人使用的是2017.4.3f1,所以这里就不实战Odin的OOP多态功能了。
New Attributes 这里的Attribute指的是C#语言里的那个标签Attribute。A core feature of Odin is how easy it makes it to change the appearance of your scripts in the editor - essentially letting you create powerful, complex custom editors at a whim merely by applying a few attributes to your members.
在不使用Odin前,我们一般是类通过自定义CustomEditor的形式去自定义Editor UI或者是直接通过继承EditorWindow去编写Editor UI工具,主要是通过EditorGUILayout,GUILayout一系列的类来手动完成布局和排版显示等功能。 使用Odin后,我们可以通过Odin提供的Attribute可以快速影响我们自定义脚本的Editor表现,帮助我们快速创建友好的可视化界面。
PropertyOrder(快速指定面板显示顺序) Unity默认排序是跟Public可序列化成员变量定义的顺序挂钩的:
1 2 3 4 5 6 public class AttributeStudy : MonoBehaviour { public int Second; public int First; }
UnitySerializationOrderUI 通过Odin的PropertyOrder属性我们可以快速的指定排版顺序
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 public class AttributeStudy : MonoBehaviour { [PropertyOrder(2) ] public int Second; [PropertyOrder(1) ] public int First; }
OdinPropertyOrderUI 2. ValueDropdown属性(显示指定成员变量下拉可选值)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 public class AttributeStudy : MonoBehaviour { [ValueDropdown("DropDownListString" ) ] public string DropDownListStringName; private List<string > DropDownListString = new List<string >(){ "Tony" , "Tang" , "Huan" , }; }
OdinValueDropDownAttributeUI 3. TabGroup属性(指定序列化显示分组)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 public class AttributeStudy : MonoBehaviour { [TabGroup("Normal List Tab" ) ] [PropertyOrder(2) ] public List<string > NormalListString = new List<string >(){ "Tony2" , "Tang2" , "Huan2" , }; [TabGroup("Drop Down Tab" ) ] [PropertyOrder(1) ] [ValueDropdown("DropDownListString" ) ] public string DropDownListStringName; private List<string > DropDownListString = new List<string >(){ "Tony1" , "Tang1" , "Huan1" , }; }
OdinTabGroupAttributeUI 4. MetaAttributes属性(e.g. ValidateInput, Required 验证序列化数据输入)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 public class AttributeStudy : MonoBehaviour { [ValidateInput("IsGreaterThanZero" ) ] public int GreaterThanZero; private bool IsGreaterThanZero (int value ) { return value > 0 ; } [Required ] public GameObject RequiredValue; }
OdinValideInputAndRequiredAttributeUI 这里就不所有都一一举例了,从上面可以看出,借助于Odin的Attribute和序列化以及Ordin自定义的Inspector,可以快速帮助我们管理UI排版以及编写高效准确的UI。 更多Attribute详情:Odin Attributes Odin官方给的Demo(Assets\Plugins\Sirenix\Demos\Attributes Overview.unitypackage)
Effortless Integration 容易集成这一特性从前面的Serialize Anything和Attribute的简单易用其实已经不言而喻了。
Odin普通编辑器窗口 一般来说我们要自定义窗口UI,我们会继承EditorWindow然后结合EditorGUILayout和GUILayout之类的类来定义窗口UI的显示排版以及逻辑处理。 基础的Odin窗口需要继承至OdinEditorWindow:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 public class CustomClassInfoDisplayOdinEditorWindow : OdinEditorWindow { public class CustomClass { public int Index; public string Name; public GameObject Go; } [MenuItem("/TonyTang/Tools/OdinEditorWindow/MyFirstOdinEditorWindow" ) ] private static void OpenWindow () { var window = GetWindow<CustomClassInfoDisplayOdinEditorWindow>(); } public List<CustomClass> CustomClassListData = new List<CustomClass>(); }
OdinEditorWindowCustomClassInfoDisplayUI 可以看到借助于继承OdinEditorWindow,我们不再需要重写OnGUI之后去自己定义GUI排版显示以及数据处理,直接编写public可序列化变量就能达到快速显示UI操作交互界面。
自定义类结合Odin Attribute做自定义显示界面
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 using Sirenix.OdinInspector;using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;using Sirenix.Utilities;using System;using System.Collections;using UnityEditor;using UnityEngine;public class CustomOdinMenuEditorWindow : OdinMenuEditorWindow { public class CustomMenuItem : OdinMenuItem { public class CustomMenuItemContentClass { public int Index; public string Name; public GameObject Go; public bool CheckOn; public CustomMenuItemContentClass (int index, string name, GameObject go, bool checkon ) { Index = index; Name = name; Go = go; CheckOn = checkon; } } public CustomMenuItem (OdinMenuTree tree, string name, IList value ) : base (tree, name, value ) { } public CustomMenuItem (OdinMenuTree tree, string name, object value ) : base (tree, name, value ) { } } public class CustomDrawMenuItem : OdinMenuItem { public class CustomDrawMenuItemContentClass { [FoldoutGroup("自定义折叠组" ) ] public int Index; [FoldoutGroup("自定义折叠组" ) ] public string Name; [FoldoutGroup("自定义折叠组" ) ] public GameObject Go; [FoldoutGroup("自定义折叠组" ) ] public bool CheckOn; public CustomDrawMenuItemContentClass (int index, string name, GameObject go, bool checkon ) { Index = index; Name = name; Go = go; CheckOn = checkon; } } private CustomDrawMenuItemContentClass mCustomDrawMenuData; public CustomDrawMenuItem (OdinMenuTree tree, string name, CustomDrawMenuItemContentClass data ) : base (tree, name, data ) { mCustomDrawMenuData = data; } public CustomDrawMenuItem (OdinMenuTree tree, string name, IList value ) : base (tree, name, value ) { } public CustomDrawMenuItem (OdinMenuTree tree, string name, object value ) : base (tree, name, value ) { } protected override void OnDrawMenuItem (Rect rect, Rect labelRect ) { labelRect.x -= 16 ; this .mCustomDrawMenuData.CheckOn = GUI.Toggle(labelRect.AlignMiddle(18 ).AlignLeft(16 ), this .mCustomDrawMenuData.CheckOn, GUIContent.none); } } [MenuItem("TonyTang/Tools/OdinMenuEditorWindow/CustomOdinMenuEditorWindow" ) ] private static void OpenWindow () { var window = GetWindow<CustomOdinMenuEditorWindow>(); } protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree () { var menutree = new OdinMenuTree(true ); var custommenustyle = new OdinMenuStyle { BorderPadding = 0f , AlignTriangleLeft = true , TriangleSize = 16f , TrianglePadding = 0f , Offset = 20f , Height = 23 , IconPadding = 0f , BorderAlpha = 0.323f }; menutree.DefaultMenuStyle = custommenustyle; menutree.AddObjectAtPath("菜单风格" , custommenustyle); var custommenuitemdata = new CustomMenuItem.CustomMenuItemContentClass(1 , "CustomMenuItemContentClass" , null , false ); var custommenuitemobj = new CustomMenuItem(menutree, "默认菜单子子节点名" , custommenuitemdata); menutree.AddMenuItemAtPath("菜单子节点1" , custommenuitemobj); var customdrawmenuitemdata = new CustomDrawMenuItem.CustomDrawMenuItemContentClass(1 , "CustomDrawMenuItemContentClass" , null , false ); var customdrawmenuitemobj = new CustomDrawMenuItem(menutree, "自定义菜单子子节点名" , customdrawmenuitemdata); menutree.AddMenuItemAtPath("菜单子节点2" , customdrawmenuitemobj); menutree.EnumerateTree().AddThumbnailIcons().SortMenuItemsByName(); return menutree; } }
OdinCustomMenuStyleUI 可以看到借助于Odin我们很轻松的创建定义了复杂的编辑器窗口UI显示,不再需要手动通过EditorGUILayout去编写排版,开发效率大大提升,编写出来的UI也更加美观。
这里就不再一一学习使用Odin相关特性,详情查询:Code Reference Odin官方给的Demo(Assets\Plugins\Sirenix\Demos\Editor Windows.unitypackage)
Extendable 在了解Odin的高度扩展性之前,我们需要了解Odin的Drawer机制。
The single most important part of understanding how Odin’s drawing system works, is understanding the drawing chain . In Odin, any single property is not drawn by a single drawer; instead each property has many drawers assigned to it.
从上面可以看到,理解Odin drawing system工作机制,我们需要了解Odin的drawing chain(绘制链)。在Odin里每一个显示在面板的Property(这里的Property不等价于C#里的Property)都不是单一一个drawer绘制出来的而是许多个drawers的连续绘制的结果。
首先Odin提供我们了一个叫ShowDrawerChain的Attibute属性,可视化的显示二楼每一个Property的绘制Drawer组合(每一个Drawer有一个优先级,优先级高的在前面 )。
PropertyContextMenuDrawer (并不做任何的绘制,只做了右键Content Menu显示的检查)
PrimitiveValueConflictDrawer (检查值冲突(比如多选时有不一样的值类型))
Value Drawers(继承至OdinValueDrawer,优先级(0, 0, 1),类型默认的Drawer)
Attribute Drawers(继承至OdinAttributeDrawer,优先级(0, 0, 1000),Attibute绘制)
Attribute Value Drawers(Value Drawers和Atrribute Drawers两者的结合)
Group Drawers(继承至PropertyGroupAttribute,不同于前面三个Drawers,Group Drawers是负责一组Property的指定绘制方式)
Gemeric Drawers(泛型 – 解决显示指定Drawers类型信息的问题)
Note that all drawers in Odin are always strongly typed, and do not allow type polymorphism. (Odin里的Drawer是强类型,不支持多态)
官方使用建议 Getting Started
实战 目标
实现 接下来主要从三个方面来学习讲解上面文档工具通过Odin编写所需要注意的技巧和实现。
自定义编辑器菜单 自定义菜单主要是通过继承Odin的OdinMenuEditorWindow类然后结合自定义OdinMenuTree + 自定义OdinMenuStyle来实现自定义的菜单布局加风格显示。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 using Sirenix.OdinInspector;using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;using Sirenix.Utilities.Editor;using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using UnityEditor;using UnityEngine;public class GameModuleDocumentEditorWindow : OdinMenuEditorWindow { public static OdinMenuStyle MenuStyle = new OdinMenuStyle { BorderPadding = 0f , AlignTriangleLeft = true , TriangleSize = 16f , TrianglePadding = 0f , Offset = 20f , Height = 30 , IconPadding = 0f , BorderAlpha = 0.323f }; ******* protected override OdinMenuTree BuildMenuTree () { DocDataUtility.CheckAndCreateFolder(DocDataUtility.DocumentDataSaveFolderPath); LoadAllData(); var menutree = new OdinMenuTree(true ); menutree.DefaultMenuStyle = MenuStyle; menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档" , IntroductionEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单" , null ); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/基础类型说明" , DataTypeIntroEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块" , EffectModuleIntroEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块/Effect" , EffectIntroEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块/Effect/Effect预览" , EffectPreviewEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块/Effect/Effect查询" , EffectQueryEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块/Effect/Effect详情" , EffectDetailEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块/EffectView" , EffectViewIntroEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块/EffectView/EffectView预览" , EffectViewPreviewEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块/EffectView/EffectView查询" , EffectViewQueryEditorWindowData); menutree.AddObjectAtPath("游戏模块文档/模块菜单/Effect模块/EffectView/EffectView详情" , EffectViewDetailEditorWindowData); return menutree; } [MenuItem("TonyTang/Tools/GameModuleDocument/GameModuleDocumentMenuEditorWindow" ) ] private static void OpenWindow () { var window = GetWindow<GameModuleDocumentEditorWindow>(); } ****** }
代码已经很清晰了,这里就不详细说明了。 通过继承OdinMenuEditorWindow重写BuildMenuTree()方法,使用OdinMenuTree自定义菜单栏,配合自定义OdinMenuStyle决定惨淡显示风格。
自定义编辑器布局 自定义编辑器布局主要是通过使用Odin的OdinEditorWindow + Odin自定义序列化类型显示 + Odin序列化标签来实现的。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 using Sirenix.OdinInspector;using Sirenix.OdinInspector.Editor;using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Reflection;using UnityEngine;[TypeInfoBox("子类不会显示父类字段信息!要查询父类字段信息直接查询父类类型!" ) ] public class EffectDetailEditorWindow : OdinEditorWindow { public class EffectDetailData { public class EffectDetailParamDesData { [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("参数类型" ) ] [TableColumnWidth(150, Resizable = false) ] [ReadOnly ] public string ParamType; [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("参数名" ) ] [TableColumnWidth(150, Resizable = false) ] [ReadOnly ] public string ParamName = "参数名" ; [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("参数介绍" ) ] [TextArea ] public string ParamIntro; [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("参数额外信息" ) ] [TextArea(3, 6) ] public string ParamExtraInfo; } [LabelText("Effect名" ) ] [VerticalGroup("基础信息" ) ] [TableColumnWidth(220, Resizable = false) ] [ReadOnly ] public string EffectName; [LabelText("父Effect名" ) ] [VerticalGroup("基础信息" ) ] [TableColumnWidth(220, Resizable = false) ] [ReadOnly ] public string ParentTypeName; [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("参数详细信息" ) ] [TableList(DrawScrollView = false, IsReadOnly = true) ] public List<EffectDetailParamDesData> EffectParamDesDetailList = new List<EffectDetailParamDesData>(); } [LabelText("Effect详细数据" ) ] [TabGroup("Effect参数详情" ) ] [TableList(DrawScrollView = true, MaxScrollViewHeight = 800, MinScrollViewHeight = 800, IsReadOnly = true) ] public List<EffectDetailData> EffectDetailDataList = new List<EffectDetailData>(); public class EffectEnumData { [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("枚举类型全名" ) ] [HideInInspector ] [ReadOnly ] public string QualifiedEnumType; [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("枚举名" ) ] [ReadOnly ] public string EnumType; [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("枚举可选值" ) ] [ListDrawerSettings(HideAddButton = true, HideRemoveButton = true) ] public string [] EnumValues; [LabelText("" ) ] [VerticalGroup("枚举值说明" ) ] [TextArea ] public string EnumValueDecs; } [LabelText("枚举详细数据" ) ] [TabGroup("枚举详情" ) ] [TableList(DrawScrollView = true, MaxScrollViewHeight = 800, MinScrollViewHeight = 500, IsReadOnly = true) ] public List<EffectEnumData> EffectEnumDataList = new List<EffectEnumData>(); ****** }
1 public class EffectDetailEditorWindow : OdinEditorWindow
结合自定义类型 + Public类型成员定义决定自定义编辑器显示内容。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 public class EffectDetailData { ****** } public List<EffectDetailData> EffectDetailDataList = new List<EffectDetailData>();public class EffectEnumData { ****** } public List<EffectEnumData> EffectEnumDataList = new List<EffectEnumData>();
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [LabelText("枚举详细数据" ) ] [VerticalGroup("枚举类型全名" ) ] [HideInInspector ] [ReadOnly ] [TableColumnWidth(220, Resizable = false) ] [TabGroup("枚举详情" ) ] [TableList(DrawScrollView = true, MaxScrollViewHeight = 800, MinScrollViewHeight = 500, IsReadOnly = true) ]
LabelText -- 表示显示标题
VerticalGroup -- 表示显示分组
HideInInspector -- 表示不显示在编辑器上
ReadOnly -- 表示字段只读不可编辑
TableColumnWidth -- 表示字段单列显示宽度
TabGroup -- 表示标签页分组
TableList -- 表示按表格列表形式显示(DrawScrollView = true, MaxScrollViewHeight = 800, MinScrollViewHeight = 500, IsReadOnly = true -- 是TableList里的细节显示控制)
数据序列化存储 数据序列化存储主要是采用Odin + Unity ScriptableObject Odin的OdinEditorWindow是继承至EditorWindow,而EditorWindow是继承至ScriptableObject,所以我们直接按序列化ScriptableObject的方式序列化OdinEditorWindow即可。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 public static T LoadDocumentData <T >(string datafullpath ) where T : ScriptableObject{ if (File.Exists(datafullpath)) { Debug.Log(string .Format("{0}数据加载成功!" , datafullpath)); return AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<T>(datafullpath); } else { Debug.Log(string .Format("{0}数据不存在!" , datafullpath)); return null ; } } public static void SaveDocumentData <T >(T documentdata, string datafullpath ) where T : ScriptableObject{ AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(documentdata, datafullpath); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); Debug.Log(string .Format("保存资源:{0}完成!" , documentdata)); }
Reference Odin Asset Store链接 Odin官网 Script Serialization Unity插件开发基础—浅谈序列化系统 OdinDocumentation